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Result of your search for "sustainability"

Suggestions 1 - 10 from13
  • Festival Biocultura

    Festival Biocultura

    BioCultura is the most important organic produce and responsible consumption fair held in Span. In 2025, La Farga will host exhibitors from the world of organic food, organic cosmetics, sustainable fashion and everything to do with organic, conscious and responsible well-being and lifestyle. This vital consumer trend and philosophy is becoming increasingly popular in homes around the world. The fair has also organized different activities to get to know more about this way of life, that has come to stay.

  • Fixing The Future 2025 Festival

    Fixing The Future 2025 Festival

    This festival brings together the 25 best future projects from around the world in aspects ranging from AI to agricultural innovation and from drought mitigation to creative recycling. Across this wide range of topics there are people who are creating change and Fixing The Future is a chance to get to know them and join discussions in round tables, workshops and other activities.

  • Amazonias The Ancestral Future Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona

    Amazonias The Ancestral Future Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona

    The vast Amazon region is critical for the future of the planet because of its enormous ecological impact. But the Amazon is also home to an immense natural and cultural wealth. Now we can explore it through the voices of indigenous peoples in the fields of art, thought, science and activism. The exhibition Amazonia. The ancestral future takes us into its territory, its cities and its indigenous communities to understand other lifestyles and ways of relating to nature. With its vast and diverse expanse spanning nine states and the original habitat of 400 indigenous peoples, the Amazon region is the largest tropical ecosystem in the world. In this exhibition we use our senses to tour it from end to end, through its rivers and forests, sounds, smells and cities, as well as rituals, people and ancestral communities. The exhibition also addresses the multiple conflicts facing this natural lung from the perspective of scientists and researchers. This visit offers us a unique opportunity to re-think what we are as a society and understand the urgent need to reclaim lifestyles that are more environmentally responsible.

  • ZBE Rondes de Barcelona

    ZBE Rondes de Barcelona

  • Sustainable Barcelona

  • Local commerce

    Local commerce

    In a globalized, over-replicated world, it is a joy to find that Barcelona still offers an outdoor showcase of emblematic stores and time-honored establishments that maintain all the genuine character of the city.

  • Green Barcelona

    Green Barcelona

    Nature is also a key element of the city. Parks and gardens are our urban green spaces, and allow you to switch off, breathe in some fresh air, and recharge your batteries.

  • Blue Barcelona

    Blue Barcelona

    The bond between Barcelona and the sea goes back to even before Roman Barcino. The city has lived from the sea and for the sea, and throughout its history it has been a conduit for meeting and sharing cultures.

  • Moving around Barcelona in a sustainable way

    Moving around Barcelona in a sustainable way

    In addition to walking, you can make use of public transport, electric vehicles or bicycles, which offer a safe, fast and sustainable way to visit Barcelona.

  • Barcelona on two wheels

    Barcelona on two wheels

    Who said that bikes were only for the summer? In the Catalan capital you can use them all year round. They're also one of the most fun ways to explore the city in the open air, with your friends, family or on your own.

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