Result of your search for "Montserrat"
Cor de Cambra del Palau Balthasar Neumann Chor Xavier Puig Palau de la Música Catalana
The Palau Chamber Choir and the Balthasar Neumann Chor, conducted by Xavier Puig, present Choral Romanticism and the Montserrat School at the Palau de la Música Catalana. Joined by tenor Julian Prégardien and organist Juan de la Rubia, the concert explores the spirituality of Brahms and Mendelssohn, along with premieres by Catalan composers Bernat Vivancos and Andreu Diport. An evening that celebrates the choral richness of Romanticism and the Montserrat tradition as part of the Millennium of Montserrat.
Located 60 kilometres outside Barcelona, the peculiar shape of massif has earned it the name Montserrat, or “sawtooth mountain”.
The 11 counties in Barcelona province offer you a whole host of possibilities so that you can enjoy leisure, culture and nature.
Enjoy the autumn tints in and around Barcelona
A master of colour, Toulouse-Lautrec, once said that autumn is winter's spring. This season is a source of inspiration and beauty that Barcelona and its surrounding area reveal in all its splendour.